Associations in Prato


There are recreational, cultural, sporting, religious, volunteer and educational associations in Prato.

Profiles of local associations:


Le associazioni di Prato su Po-Net (page only in italian): Web spaces of self-managed associations in the province of Prato who have joined the project "Le Associazioni di Prato su PoNet", managed by the Civic Net Po-Net.

IcaroPrato: searches engine devoted entirely to the third sector, managed by Provincial Social Observatory.


One more chance...

The new database for the European cultural organizations, looking for partners in the cooperation projects of the Culture Programme, is available. All associations working in the cultural field, who seek or offer themselves as partners, are invited to register. For more information, visit the pages dedicated to the database on the website of Cultural Meeting Point.


IN EVIDENZATranslation by Anastasia Yutkina

Ultima revisione della pagina: 27/6/2016